
Friday, 14 June 2019

The Stubborn Explorer Who Finds A Thief

Write about a stubborn explorer who catches a thief

The stubborn explorer who finds a thief

There was once a thief and he stole jewels and other things for a living. He would steal anything that looked pleasant to him and what looks really appealing. He was always watched by, by this stubborn explorer. This Stubborn explorer would always want to catch and find a thief himself, that was his dream. He was very stubborn and he knew that catching thieves was going to be a hard catch. But he wasn’t going to give up and he was going to fulfill his dreams, so he set up cameras and he waited and waited…

While he watched the cameras catch what seems like nothing until the 11:00 pm mark hit that's when he started hearing clunking and bashing. He knew that that was the man so he waited for the next day so that he could catch him in the trap and make sure that he never steals again. The next day… He got up, did the same old thing and then he went to work. He went and sat down where he could see the cameras and where he had set up the traps he waited and waited until it was 11:00 pm
When it hit 11:00 pm things started happening and he just waited for the man to fall for the trap and get caught he was exactly 1 meter from the trap. He slowly got closer and closer and closer until snap! The target got captured! He went for the investigation and he made sure that the man had gotten what he deserved. When he got the man he made sure that he would end up in prison, so he took him to the police to get investigated. He celebrated and was tearing up so he ate some ice cream. That was the story of a man, a very stubborn man who caught a thief.

What I learned is: How to write with a random story starter and how to keep writing for a long period of time. I also learned how to use ellipses and to use commas in my writing. Using this will make my writing flow and it's not just a big pile of mess and to make sure that the reader pauses and is not continually talking. I also made sure that I didn't muck around and made sure that I did my work well,we had a time span of minutes to find a story starter. I also learned that Their is a site where you can get story starters and that site is very useful.

What I enjoyed: What I enjoyed is writing for a long time and making sure that stay focused when I write. I also enjoyed the way it was really silent and no one was talking, I think that, that was really nice and helpful. I liked how I got really funny and interesting story starters and the story starters were pretty easy. I really enjoyed the writing.

Friday, 7 June 2019

The causes and effects of poverty What creates poverty? Climate, Population, Economics and Politics are all causes of this… But do you know why? Climate Climate can really change someone’s life because having no rain can lead to dehydration, crops dying and can even lead to death. People tend to walk miles and miles not for exercise but to get a bucket of water for themselves or for their family. Sometimes people don’t have enough water for everyone so some people have to go without. Having rain is alright but having a lot of rain can give people floods and drown plants. Having no rain makes the country or the place you live in have droughts and it makes the plants dry. Population Having a big population can make running a family more easy but there is a con to this people have to get more resources to go around the family. When having a big population it makes it harder for people to get the common necessities like food and water. Lots of countries have a big population and birth rate, this can lead up to having no money and no money leads to poverty. Economics Some countries people don't get paid as much so they are considered a poor country also known as a (Less Economically Developed Country). I think that having less money than the other countries is really unfair and some kids have to go through child labour because they need the money. When kids go through child labour they don’t get that much money and they probably get a few cents even if they work a whole day. Politics Politics is a really bad thing because having Governments making bad choices can make things very hard for others. For example there might be a very dry season so the Government may raise the price for water or maybe they are running low on resources so they have to raise the price of the resources. This whole Government thing can lead to civil wars and civil wars are people arguing about Governments making wrong choices and when that happens people get mad and can make the country they live in a very unstable country. What I think is really unfair is people, the poor people get poorer and the richer get richer.

What Causes and Makes Poverty?

What we had to do: what we had to do was make a descriptive piece of writing and explain the differences between a LEDC (least economically developed country) and a MEDC (Most economically developed country. We had to look at different aspects like, Climate, Population, Economics and Politics.

The causes and effects of poverty 

What creates poverty? Climate, Population, Economics and Politics are all causes of this… But do you know why?


Climate can really change someone’s life because having no rain can lead to dehydration, crops dying and can even lead to death. People tend to walk miles and miles not for exercise but to get a bucket of water for themselves or for their family. Sometimes people don’t have enough water for everyone so some people have to go without. Having rain is alright but having a lot of rain can give people floods and drown plants. Having no rain makes the country or the place you live in have droughts and it makes the plants dry.


Having a big population can make running a family more easy but there is a con to this people have to get more resources to go around the family. When having a big population it makes it harder for people to get the common necessities like food and water. Lots of countries have a big population and birth rate, this can lead up to having no money and no money leads to poverty.


Some countries people don't get paid as much so they are considered a poor country also known as a (Less Economically Developed Country). I think that having less money than the other countries is really unfair and some kids have to go through child labour because they need the money. When kids go through child labour they don’t get that much money and they probably get a few cents even if they work a whole day.


Politics is a really bad thing because having Governments making bad choices can make things very hard for others. For example there might be a very dry season so the Government may raise the price for water or maybe they are running low on resources so they have to raise the price of the resources. This whole Government thing can lead to civil wars and civil wars are people arguing about Governments making wrong choices and when that happens people get mad and can make the country they live in a very unstable country. What I think is really unfair is people, the poor people get poorer and the richer get richer.