
Thursday, 22 November 2018

Where is the love?

Description: We had to write a quick write about the song Where is the love? by the Black Eyed Peas.

I was walking down the road as I saw a homeless man he had a sign that said “where is the love?”. I called my friends and we said “we’re going to make a change!”. So we got food and beds. We saw the man crying so we gave him an air bed and some food he said “God bless you”

Monday, 12 November 2018

Poem About Camp Water slide

WALT: to compose a poem about the water slide

I was observing the water slide and the children were having a lot of fun, they were screaming, laughing,cheering, people had races with their friends I observed people sliding as fast as lightning.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

The Hardest of All Walls

Rock Climbing

WALT:Write a descriptive recount about Senior Camp I was doing rock climbing and I tried to do the first one. I was really scared about doing it but I did it anyways. It was easy but it made my arms really tired and that was bad because I couldn’t do the other ones with sore arms so I just rested.

I then made a decision to go to number four and my first time I didn't make it so a had to help with the belay team. The belay team is very important because if you don't have a belay team you might get injured.

When I finished with the belay team I tried it again and I was trying so hard and I was shaking because It was really high and I have a fear of heights. When I did it I found two spiders and I just kept going. I tried really hard but I didn't make because it was really hard to get a hold of to the grips because I was really short it was also really hard because there is less things to hold on than number 3.

Was so tired after that so I just let go and said to my team are you ready? And they said “yes”. I was slowly going down and I was pretty sad but I remembered that I tried my best. Next time I will make it to number 4.

Description: We had to write a recount on what we had achieved at camp and I wrote about rock climbing