What we had to do: We had make 4 similes to put on your blog.
The Roller coaster is as Fast as... a Bullet.
That Man is as Tall as... a Giraffe.
That Baby is as Small as... a Kitten.
The Rose is as Beautiful as... a Sunset.
These are some of the similes that I came up with. They may not be the best but at least I tried. If you have any good similes, you can share them with me in the comments. :)
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Thursday, 5 December 2019
SLJ Activity 1 Day 1 New Zealand Royalty
The link at the bottom:
What I found easy: Finding an image because there were a lot of images on the internet of her.
What I found hard: Getting my work done in time because we had a limited amount of time to do it.
What I found interesting: Finding out some of the facts about Lorde.
What we had to do: We had to make a Profile Page of Lorde and we had to put in some facts that we researched so that people would know more about Lorde.
What I found interesting: Finding out some of the facts about Lorde.
What we had to do: We had to make a Profile Page of Lorde and we had to put in some facts that we researched so that people would know more about Lorde.
Summer Learning Journey
Monday, 25 November 2019
SLJ - Special Meals/Practice Activity

I like pancakes because they're really soft and they are really tasty. They can be served as a breakfast. You can put blueberries, butter, and maple syrup on them to add some sweetness.
Whats you favourite Food? Tell me in the comments.
I got this photo from Wikipedia
Summer Learning Journey
Friday, 18 October 2019
Infographic about Waterspouts
What we did:Was make a infographic explaining how a waterspout works. We had to label some important things that was in the image of a waterspout.
What I found easy:Was finding the picture and explaining how it worked. I found this easy because I saw a video about waterspouts and I gained a lot of info there.
What I could do better next time:Was make sure that I use my own image.
What I found difficult:Was explaining more than how a waterspout worked. I found this hard because I found it hard not repeating myself.
Info-graphic about Waterspouts
What I found easy:Was finding the picture and explaining how it worked. I found this easy because I saw a video about waterspouts and I gained a lot of info there.
What I could do better next time:Was make sure that I use my own image.
What I found difficult:Was explaining more than how a waterspout worked. I found this hard because I found it hard not repeating myself.
Info-graphic about Waterspouts
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Popping Bags! Experiment

What we did:
What we did was make a fair test about a experiment and the experiment was called "Popping Bags". For the experiment we had to fill this small zip-lock bag with vinegar and we had to fill it up 3/4 of the bag full. Then we had to get a big zip-lock bag and we had to fill that with 3 Table spoons full of baking soda. After that we had to put the vinegar bag into the baking soda one, making sure that your vinegar bag is closed. Then we had to close the baking soda bag so the when we squeeze on the vinegar bag to pop it the baking soda bag doesn't pop. Finally we had to pop the vinegar bag and make sure that you don't pop the baking soda bag or otherwise the gas will escape causing the bag to deflate. Once you have popped it right, the bag should start getting bigger and it should hopefully pop! When it pops, it can be very loud so make sure that you aren't too close to the bag when it is about to pop. We had to make these science boards and we had to explain what we did and put graphs. We also had to put in our information on what we changed and what we observed.
What I found easy: Working with my buddy because my buddy and I are really good friends and having a really good friend as a buddy makes sure that we could understand each-other and also it made science a little more fun.
What I found hard: Keeping the science test fair and making sure that the science experiment worked because if it didn't my buddy and I would waste a zip-lock bag or waste ingredients for the next time we did the experiment.
What we could've done better: Was make sure that we did the experiment right the first time and not wasting as much ingredients. Micah and I wasted some ingredients because we didn't do it right.
What we did:
What we did was make a fair test about a experiment and the experiment was called "Popping Bags". For the experiment we had to fill this small zip-lock bag with vinegar and we had to fill it up 3/4 of the bag full. Then we had to get a big zip-lock bag and we had to fill that with 3 Table spoons full of baking soda. After that we had to put the vinegar bag into the baking soda one, making sure that your vinegar bag is closed. Then we had to close the baking soda bag so the when we squeeze on the vinegar bag to pop it the baking soda bag doesn't pop. Finally we had to pop the vinegar bag and make sure that you don't pop the baking soda bag or otherwise the gas will escape causing the bag to deflate. Once you have popped it right, the bag should start getting bigger and it should hopefully pop! When it pops, it can be very loud so make sure that you aren't too close to the bag when it is about to pop. We had to make these science boards and we had to explain what we did and put graphs. We also had to put in our information on what we changed and what we observed.
What I found easy: Working with my buddy because my buddy and I are really good friends and having a really good friend as a buddy makes sure that we could understand each-other and also it made science a little more fun.
What I found hard: Keeping the science test fair and making sure that the science experiment worked because if it didn't my buddy and I would waste a zip-lock bag or waste ingredients for the next time we did the experiment.
What we could've done better: Was make sure that we did the experiment right the first time and not wasting as much ingredients. Micah and I wasted some ingredients because we didn't do it right.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Mihi about Dion
What we did was: Make a Mihi about our selves and it was really fun. We had to make a game that had our Mihi information in it like our Grandparents, Mountain and our Mum's and Dads.
What I found hard: Was trying to find out what things meant and finding out the real meaning to the words were so that I could finish my work.
What I could do better next time: Give more information and take my time.
What I found easy: Was getting the game to work.
te reo Maori,
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Info-graphic about Volcanoes
What we had to do: Was make an info-graphic about volcanoes and I chose to describe what happens when the volcano erupts or when it explodes.
What I enjoyed in this activity: Is creating all the images myself and not needing to get any online images.
What I found difficult: Doing all the images was fun but. It was kinda hard.
What I could do better next time: Is make sure that I make my info-graphic more colourful, this will make it so that it is more eye catching.
Friday, 23 August 2019
Should Jackets, Coats, Bags and Hat Be Allowed in Class?
Should Bags, Coats and Hats be Banned in Class or Should it be allowed? Well I think that they shouldn’t be banned.
Should Bags, Coats and Hats be Banned in Class or Should it be allowed?
Why I think that they shouldn’t be banned.
Should bags, coats and hats be banned inside...? Well, I think they shouldn’t. This is my side of the argument and I hope in the end you will agree with me.
Why I think that coats, jackets etc. shouldn’t be banned because a lot of people get cold in winter even if the heater or heat pump is on. Some people don’t have jerseys so people might get cold as well as sick.
Having coats and jackets inside will make sure that students stay warm. If students start not knowing what to do because they were not paying attention in class than the students should be punished.
People who are old enough would know how to be responsible and know how to not muck around. If you know that your class wouldn't show integrity then maybe you should make sure that they do get banned. If you haven't given your class a chance of using bags and jackets inside then maybe you should consider giving your class a chance for one day to see what happens.
I believe that having or allowing bags and coats etc. should be allowed because some schools have really cold temperatures and other people feel the cold more than others. I don’t think that hats should be allowed because it is disrespectful to wear them inside. I believe that people can wear their own jackets because some students don’t have a school jacket or can’t afford one.
What I enjoyed in this activity: Is giving my opinion and giving it my own thoughts and linking my paragraphs.
What I found hard or difficult:What I found hard was linking paragraphs together to make my writing really stand out.
What I could do better next time:What I think I could do better is letting my sentences flow and link with one another.
What we had to do:Was make a persuasive piece of writing that flowed from paragraph to paragraph. We had to pick any topic of our choice and persuade someone. Some of our students shared their work in front of the class.
Monday, 5 August 2019
The Man In The Cabin
What we did was:
Write about this photo using our five senses: Smell,Feel, See,Hear and Taste. We had to make paragraphs that link to the other paragraph. Doing this will create an effect which will help make your writing flow and make it more easy to read.
WALT:Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together. Write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text. Use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect
I could barely walk to get a seat, as I did, I could hear the trees rustling and the wood floor creaking. I looked down as I saw the stained t-shirt that I hadn't washed in days. I couldn't move and my injuries were getting worse and worse, I was crying in pain as I begged for the pain and agony to stop.
I shouted as there were so many things that were going on. It was getting hard to breath and the crying wasn’t helping. I felt drowsy and drunk I stood up and started wobbling and shaking, as I dropped down hitting my head on the hardwood floor. There was a bright light that was getting brighter and brighter.
I woke up disorientated, "Where was I"? "Where did I go"? "How did I get here"? I had so many questions to ask, I wonder if could even escape this nightmare. I heard a man speaking outside, I started to mumble under my breath and it was getting hard to breathe. The footsteps started to get louder and louder. I couldn't take this anymore and I was losing my mind.
I had a feeling that they were going to take me away, keep me from touching the sunlight forever. He came in watching as I cried, making a mess on the floor. This was it I said to myself over and over again, my life's over.
Write about this photo using our five senses: Smell,Feel, See,Hear and Taste. We had to make paragraphs that link to the other paragraph. Doing this will create an effect which will help make your writing flow and make it more easy to read.
WALT:Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together. Write in structured, well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within the text. Use linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect
I could barely walk to get a seat, as I did, I could hear the trees rustling and the wood floor creaking. I looked down as I saw the stained t-shirt that I hadn't washed in days. I couldn't move and my injuries were getting worse and worse, I was crying in pain as I begged for the pain and agony to stop.
I shouted as there were so many things that were going on. It was getting hard to breath and the crying wasn’t helping. I felt drowsy and drunk I stood up and started wobbling and shaking, as I dropped down hitting my head on the hardwood floor. There was a bright light that was getting brighter and brighter.
I woke up disorientated, "Where was I"? "Where did I go"? "How did I get here"? I had so many questions to ask, I wonder if could even escape this nightmare. I heard a man speaking outside, I started to mumble under my breath and it was getting hard to breathe. The footsteps started to get louder and louder. I couldn't take this anymore and I was losing my mind.
I had a feeling that they were going to take me away, keep me from touching the sunlight forever. He came in watching as I cried, making a mess on the floor. This was it I said to myself over and over again, my life's over.
Friday, 14 June 2019
The Stubborn Explorer Who Finds A Thief
Write about a stubborn explorer who catches a thief
The stubborn explorer who finds a thief
There was once a thief and he stole jewels and other things for a living. He would steal anything that looked pleasant to him and what looks really appealing. He was always watched by, by this stubborn explorer. This Stubborn explorer would always want to catch and find a thief himself, that was his dream. He was very stubborn and he knew that catching thieves was going to be a hard catch. But he wasn’t going to give up and he was going to fulfill his dreams, so he set up cameras and he waited and waited…
While he watched the cameras catch what seems like nothing until the 11:00 pm mark hit that's when he started hearing clunking and bashing. He knew that that was the man so he waited for the next day so that he could catch him in the trap and make sure that he never steals again. The next day… He got up, did the same old thing and then he went to work. He went and sat down where he could see the cameras and where he had set up the traps he waited and waited until it was 11:00 pm
When it hit 11:00 pm things started happening and he just waited for the man to fall for the trap and get caught he was exactly 1 meter from the trap. He slowly got closer and closer and closer until snap! The target got captured! He went for the investigation and he made sure that the man had gotten what he deserved. When he got the man he made sure that he would end up in prison, so he took him to the police to get investigated. He celebrated and was tearing up so he ate some ice cream. That was the story of a man, a very stubborn man who caught a thief.
What I learned is: How to write with a random story starter and how to keep writing for a long period of time. I also learned how to use ellipses and to use commas in my writing. Using this will make my writing flow and it's not just a big pile of mess and to make sure that the reader pauses and is not continually talking. I also made sure that I didn't muck around and made sure that I did my work well,we had a time span of minutes to find a story starter. I also learned that Their is a site where you can get story starters and that site is very useful.
What I enjoyed: What I enjoyed is writing for a long time and making sure that stay focused when I write. I also enjoyed the way it was really silent and no one was talking, I think that, that was really nice and helpful. I liked how I got really funny and interesting story starters and the story starters were pretty easy. I really enjoyed the writing.
The stubborn explorer who finds a thief
There was once a thief and he stole jewels and other things for a living. He would steal anything that looked pleasant to him and what looks really appealing. He was always watched by, by this stubborn explorer. This Stubborn explorer would always want to catch and find a thief himself, that was his dream. He was very stubborn and he knew that catching thieves was going to be a hard catch. But he wasn’t going to give up and he was going to fulfill his dreams, so he set up cameras and he waited and waited…
While he watched the cameras catch what seems like nothing until the 11:00 pm mark hit that's when he started hearing clunking and bashing. He knew that that was the man so he waited for the next day so that he could catch him in the trap and make sure that he never steals again. The next day… He got up, did the same old thing and then he went to work. He went and sat down where he could see the cameras and where he had set up the traps he waited and waited until it was 11:00 pm
When it hit 11:00 pm things started happening and he just waited for the man to fall for the trap and get caught he was exactly 1 meter from the trap. He slowly got closer and closer and closer until snap! The target got captured! He went for the investigation and he made sure that the man had gotten what he deserved. When he got the man he made sure that he would end up in prison, so he took him to the police to get investigated. He celebrated and was tearing up so he ate some ice cream. That was the story of a man, a very stubborn man who caught a thief.
What I learned is: How to write with a random story starter and how to keep writing for a long period of time. I also learned how to use ellipses and to use commas in my writing. Using this will make my writing flow and it's not just a big pile of mess and to make sure that the reader pauses and is not continually talking. I also made sure that I didn't muck around and made sure that I did my work well,we had a time span of minutes to find a story starter. I also learned that Their is a site where you can get story starters and that site is very useful.
What I enjoyed: What I enjoyed is writing for a long time and making sure that stay focused when I write. I also enjoyed the way it was really silent and no one was talking, I think that, that was really nice and helpful. I liked how I got really funny and interesting story starters and the story starters were pretty easy. I really enjoyed the writing.
Friday, 7 June 2019
The causes and effects of poverty
What creates poverty? Climate, Population, Economics and Politics are all causes of this… But do you know why?
Climate can really change someone’s life because having no rain can lead to dehydration, crops dying and can even lead to death. People tend to walk miles and miles not for exercise but to get a bucket of water for themselves or for their family. Sometimes people don’t have enough water for everyone so some people have to go without. Having rain is alright but having a lot of rain can give people floods and drown plants. Having no rain makes the country or the place you live in have droughts and it makes the plants dry.
Having a big population can make running a family more easy but there is a con to this people have to get more resources to go around the family. When having a big population it makes it harder for people to get the common necessities like food and water. Lots of countries have a big population and birth rate, this can lead up to having no money and no money leads to poverty.
Some countries people don't get paid as much so they are considered a poor country also known as a (Less Economically Developed Country). I think that having less money than the other countries is really unfair and some kids have to go through child labour because they need the money. When kids go through child labour they don’t get that much money and they probably get a few cents even if they work a whole day.
Politics is a really bad thing because having Governments making bad choices can make things very hard for others. For example there might be a very dry season so the Government may raise the price for water or maybe they are running low on resources so they have to raise the price of the resources. This whole Government thing can lead to civil wars and civil wars are people arguing about Governments making wrong choices and when that happens people get mad and can make the country they live in a very unstable country. What I think is really unfair is people, the poor people get poorer and the richer get richer.
What Causes and Makes Poverty?
What we had to do: what we had to do was make a descriptive piece of writing and explain the differences between a LEDC (least economically developed country) and a MEDC (Most economically developed country. We had to look at different aspects like, Climate, Population, Economics and Politics.
The causes and effects of poverty
What creates poverty? Climate, Population, Economics and Politics are all causes of this… But do you know why?
Climate can really change someone’s life because having no rain can lead to dehydration, crops dying and can even lead to death. People tend to walk miles and miles not for exercise but to get a bucket of water for themselves or for their family. Sometimes people don’t have enough water for everyone so some people have to go without. Having rain is alright but having a lot of rain can give people floods and drown plants. Having no rain makes the country or the place you live in have droughts and it makes the plants dry.
Having a big population can make running a family more easy but there is a con to this people have to get more resources to go around the family. When having a big population it makes it harder for people to get the common necessities like food and water. Lots of countries have a big population and birth rate, this can lead up to having no money and no money leads to poverty.
Some countries people don't get paid as much so they are considered a poor country also known as a (Less Economically Developed Country). I think that having less money than the other countries is really unfair and some kids have to go through child labour because they need the money. When kids go through child labour they don’t get that much money and they probably get a few cents even if they work a whole day.
Politics is a really bad thing because having Governments making bad choices can make things very hard for others. For example there might be a very dry season so the Government may raise the price for water or maybe they are running low on resources so they have to raise the price of the resources. This whole Government thing can lead to civil wars and civil wars are people arguing about Governments making wrong choices and when that happens people get mad and can make the country they live in a very unstable country. What I think is really unfair is people, the poor people get poorer and the richer get richer.
The causes and effects of poverty
What creates poverty? Climate, Population, Economics and Politics are all causes of this… But do you know why?
Climate can really change someone’s life because having no rain can lead to dehydration, crops dying and can even lead to death. People tend to walk miles and miles not for exercise but to get a bucket of water for themselves or for their family. Sometimes people don’t have enough water for everyone so some people have to go without. Having rain is alright but having a lot of rain can give people floods and drown plants. Having no rain makes the country or the place you live in have droughts and it makes the plants dry.
Having a big population can make running a family more easy but there is a con to this people have to get more resources to go around the family. When having a big population it makes it harder for people to get the common necessities like food and water. Lots of countries have a big population and birth rate, this can lead up to having no money and no money leads to poverty.
Some countries people don't get paid as much so they are considered a poor country also known as a (Less Economically Developed Country). I think that having less money than the other countries is really unfair and some kids have to go through child labour because they need the money. When kids go through child labour they don’t get that much money and they probably get a few cents even if they work a whole day.
Politics is a really bad thing because having Governments making bad choices can make things very hard for others. For example there might be a very dry season so the Government may raise the price for water or maybe they are running low on resources so they have to raise the price of the resources. This whole Government thing can lead to civil wars and civil wars are people arguing about Governments making wrong choices and when that happens people get mad and can make the country they live in a very unstable country. What I think is really unfair is people, the poor people get poorer and the richer get richer.
integrated learning,
Thursday, 23 May 2019
The Holy Spirit
What we had to do: Was make a google drawing about R.E. and make a blog post about it. What I did was the tongues of fire and the flame or fire represents that.
What I found hard was: Being patient because tracing is really time consuming
What I found easy was: The tracing because although it was time consuming it was really easy
What I found hard was: Being patient because tracing is really time consuming
What I found easy was: The tracing because although it was time consuming it was really easy
Friday, 17 May 2019
Pink Shirt Day
Today we have pink shirt day and we celebrate pink shirt day because people get bullied and we need to show that we shouldn’t be judged by our covers. Most people think that pink is only for girls but in our school lots of boys are wearing pink.
What I found interesting: Was how much people wore pink and I thought no one would wear pink.
What we had to do: Was to make a blog post about our event about pink shirt day and we had do describe what we have to do.
What I found hard: Was trying to find pink shirts or anything pink to wear
Today we have pink shirt day and we celebrate pink shirt day because people get bullied and we need to show that we shouldn’t be judged by our covers. Most people think that pink is only for girls but in our school lots of boys are wearing pink.
What I found interesting: Was how much people wore pink and I thought no one would wear pink.
What we had to do: Was to make a blog post about our event about pink shirt day and we had do describe what we have to do.
What I found hard: Was trying to find pink shirts or anything pink to wear
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Mother's Day Character Description
My Mum
Walt: ‘Use show not tell’ in our writing and to write a character description.My Mum has been in this world for the last 39 years as for the last 12 years she has looked after me, she has chocolate brown eyes, long hair and is very short. She has a lot of shoes, clothes but is never satisfied.
She cooks me food and makes my meals and sometimes I get lucky and get take away. She mostly likes talking about work with her friends. She likes sleeping just like me. She doesn’t really give me money probably because she thinks I don't need it or something.
My Mum shows me affection by taking care of me when I’m not feeling well. She gives me the necessities I need for school and other things. When I need something she will try her best to get it or make it.
She really likes shopping and my Dad doesn’t really enjoy shopping. I think that my Mum uses like nearly all her time shopping but not all days, my Mom is a really busy lady.
What we did: Was to write to our Mothers about a character description including them.
What I found interesting: Was using show not tell in my writing.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Pig the Pug
WALT: Write a character and use 'show not tell' in our writing
What we had to do: was make a character description about either Trevor the sausage dog or Pig the pug. These characters are from the story we read Pig the star.
What I found easy: was to get ideas from my character Pig the pug. What I found interesting: was using show not tell it was kinda hard
Pig the pug was not skinny at all and he had eyes like a tennis ball. He had really old like skin and he was very self-confident. He has very bumpy skin and smells like wet clothes. Pig the pug has really big legs. His little tiny legs have a really stressful time carrying his weight.
The has really bad against others and he likes to show off. I guess you could say that this pug dog is self minded, he only cares for himself and never cares for anyone else. Pig the pug is also really greedy at times and he probably treats people like slaves. I don't think that Pig the pug has done anything nice to Trevor the sausage dog.
His toxic behaviour is really appalling and it makes his relationship with others really thin. Pig the pug is really selfish to Trevor the sausage dog and it makes Trevor sad. Trevor the sausage dog is very humble and he always tries his best to ignore Pig the pugs annoying behaviour. When Trevor tries to shine, Pig the pug always tries to steal the credit.
The pug is a really bad and messy dog, he throws his belongings all over the place. When he tries to put on some clothes he puts it everywhere but where it’s meant to go. His bed has so many stains that it’s changing the colour of the bed itself. Pig the pug puts his belongings everywhere whilst Trevor puts his belongings in the right place.
What we had to do: was make a character description about either Trevor the sausage dog or Pig the pug. These characters are from the story we read Pig the star.
What I found easy: was to get ideas from my character Pig the pug. What I found interesting: was using show not tell it was kinda hard
Pig the pug was not skinny at all and he had eyes like a tennis ball. He had really old like skin and he was very self-confident. He has very bumpy skin and smells like wet clothes. Pig the pug has really big legs. His little tiny legs have a really stressful time carrying his weight.
The has really bad against others and he likes to show off. I guess you could say that this pug dog is self minded, he only cares for himself and never cares for anyone else. Pig the pug is also really greedy at times and he probably treats people like slaves. I don't think that Pig the pug has done anything nice to Trevor the sausage dog.
His toxic behaviour is really appalling and it makes his relationship with others really thin. Pig the pug is really selfish to Trevor the sausage dog and it makes Trevor sad. Trevor the sausage dog is very humble and he always tries his best to ignore Pig the pugs annoying behaviour. When Trevor tries to shine, Pig the pug always tries to steal the credit.
The pug is a really bad and messy dog, he throws his belongings all over the place. When he tries to put on some clothes he puts it everywhere but where it’s meant to go. His bed has so many stains that it’s changing the colour of the bed itself. Pig the pug puts his belongings everywhere whilst Trevor puts his belongings in the right place.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
The Famine in South Sudan.
WALT: Discover the impact of conflict on South Sudan and other parts of Africa. Reflect on the recent history on South Sudan.
What we did was: make a D.LO. about famines in South Sudan use our previous information into a newspaper article.
What I could do better: Is put more interesting images showing the famine in South Sudan.
What we did was: make a D.LO. about famines in South Sudan use our previous information into a newspaper article.
What I could do better: Is put more interesting images showing the famine in South Sudan.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Anzac Animals
WALT: Describe how people risk their lives for others and understand the importance of animals used in the war.
What we had to do: was to make a D.L.O. about how animals were used in the war and how they helped other soldiers.
What I could do better: Is use more information.
What I found interesting was: Knowing that they used birds for messaging people.
What we had to do: was to make a D.L.O. about how animals were used in the war and how they helped other soldiers.
What I could do better: Is use more information.
What I found interesting was: Knowing that they used birds for messaging people.
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Personal Sin
What I found easy: was to get the ideas down on my D.L.O.
what we had to do: was to make a D.L.O. about personal sin because we were learning about different types of sins in our R.E. learning.
what I could do better: is put more details and put an image.
Friday, 29 March 2019
A Tragic Incident
A Tragic Incident
On the 26th of March. A dog named Pig fell of the window and broke one of his bones (ankles). Pig was a very Mischievous dog... Later that day the owner of the dog had said that my dogs behave and usually play around together and that her dogs don’t get really aggressive over each other, but was this statement true or false..?Pig was barking at at the other dog like she was accusing her of pushing her out. Did this really happen?
The dog was very hurt and had to be taken to the hospital. The sausage dog Trevor was still saying he didn’t do anything and that Pig the Pug was being greedy and not sharing his toys. We started to get more information about the incident Trevor seemed pretty chill about giving info and he didn’t seemed like he was lying. On the other hand the nurses and doctors went to take care of Pig the Pug, Pig started saying the complete opposite of what Trevor was saying. He said that he got pushed and wasn’t being greedy at all.
We kept interviewing Pig and we kept trying to push the truth out of him. He finally gave up and told us the truth with a growl. After Pig healed after what happened they finally played together and Trevor and Pig lived happily ever after.
What we had to do: was make a newspaper article about a book we read on Pig the Pug. We had to put it into our perspective.
What I found easy: was to make my own story but incorporating the main story also.
What I could've done better was: make sure I use more detail and give more perspectives on the story.
Friday, 22 March 2019
What I found easy was: Making the D.L.O.
What we did: Was make a digital learning object about our favourite place to chill in at our School St. Bernadette's
What I could do better: Was use more detail in my digital learning object to hook the people reading/looking at my blog.
Thursday, 14 March 2019
South Sudan D.L.O
What we had to do was think about how privileged we are and make a piece of graffiti art that showed how people were living in South Sudan and how they have to carry a gun to protect your self.
What I found hard was doing the graffiti art.
What I found easy was looking at how we are so privileged.
What I found hard was doing the graffiti art.
What I found easy was looking at how we are so privileged.
Kawa Of Care
What we had to do was make a D.L.O. about keeping your Chromebook safe and make sure you are using it in a useful way and making sure you use it for school work and not for playing games.
What I found easy was getting information from a text we were given.
What I found hard was putting the information in my own words.
What I found easy was getting information from a text we were given.
What I found hard was putting the information in my own words.
Don't Throw Rubbish!
What we had to do: Was make a flowchart about something e.g. animals rubbish and pollution.
What I found easy was: Making a D.L.O. about rubbish, pollution and animals.
What I could do better is: Make my D.L.O. more interesting by using more images and being more creative.
What I found easy was: Making a D.L.O. about rubbish, pollution and animals.
What I could do better is: Make my D.L.O. more interesting by using more images and being more creative.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Descriptive Writing
What we had to do: We had to make a descriptive piece of writing with some pictures we had to choose one and write about it.
I was standing still it was cold and I was cold. I could see a man outside the window but it was really blurry. As I moved sticks kept breaking and cracking it was if a bone cracked. By legs were as weak as thin wood and stiff as sticks and bricks .The house looked dead inside… I started to walk in the house and then the house started shaking and the a big gust of freezing iced wind came blowing on by face and by legs.
I think the house was alive somehow. I went in the house and I was scared to death everything was really creaky and unstable like I was just about to fall into the wood surface in the house. When I went further in the house I could hear a girl crying it sounded like a baby, it kept getting louder and louder until I could barely hear anything I was deaf. I then closed my eyes and the noise was gone. I founded it hard to breath and hear and I heard a whisper in my ear but couldn’t quite get what that person or something was saying.
The ground started shaking and it was like an earthquake, I suddenly fell down on the wood surface because of how unstable the floor beneath me was. I could see a blurry figure and I tried to get out and I ran as fast as I could, I could hardly breath and I could smell rotten meat everywhere.
When I went out the house It was sunny and everything was green and bright. I just wanted to sleep so I went to my house and I could hear birds singing and than I went to sleep and forgot that anything ever happened that day.
What I found easy: Was to make sentences because there was very interesting picture.
What I found hard: Was making sure the reader gets hooked.
What we had to do: Was make a piece of writing about a picture we had to choose and make sure we make it exciting and make sure we use similes , adverbs, adjectives etc.
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Research DLO
What we had to do:Make A DLO about Sites and thing you need to look for in sites for research.
What I found Easy: Was making the Quiz and having fun making it.
What I found hard was researching about sites and words.
What I found Easy: Was making the Quiz and having fun making it.
What I found hard was researching about sites and words.
Monday, 25 February 2019
The New Zealand Land Wars
What we had to do: We had create a D.L.O about the New Zealand Land Wars.
What I found hard: Was finding information about the text.
What I found easy: Was to make the D.L.O about the land wars.
What I found hard: Was finding information about the text.
What I found easy: Was to make the D.L.O about the land wars.
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